Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872 - 1898 (English)
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Children's Books
9 x 12.5
INV. #:
Original Les Affiches Etrangeres illustrees. Children's Book; artist Aubrey Vincent Beardsley. Printer CHAIX (Jules Cheret). This is an original 1924 two-color lithograph of a poster, designed by Aubrey Beardsley in 1895, advertising children's books.
G. Boudet, Editeur. Justification du triage. No. 448 a 1050 sur papier velin. Printed on fine vellum paper stock in 1897.
Titled ~Publisher~ it is a booksellers advertising poster for a series of children's books by T Fisher Unwin of London. Titles include St Nicholas for Young Folks, The Land of Pluck, and Topsys and Turvys. Complete with their publishing details including author and price. Works by Palmer Cox for example are 6 shillings cloth bound and 3 and sixpence paper bound. At the time of it's issue the poster caused great consternation among the staid Victorians. The use of a large busted lady with visible cleavage shocked the society of the day as the poster was designed to sell children's books! The original poster was designed with the graphic on the left only and the right hand side plain to take the text. This is the rare 'with text' version.
Edited by G Boudet and printed by Jules Cheret's famous Imprimerie Chaix, Paris ~Les Affiches Etrangeres Illustrees presented a collection of the best posters of La Belle Époque, by foreign artists in Limited numbers (1025) at a reduced size, to the avid collectors of Paris during 1897.
G. Boudet, Editeur. Justification du triage. No. 448 a 1050 sur papier velin. Printed on fine vellum paper stock in 1897.
Titled ~Publisher~ it is a booksellers advertising poster for a series of children's books by T Fisher Unwin of London. Titles include St Nicholas for Young Folks, The Land of Pluck, and Topsys and Turvys. Complete with their publishing details including author and price. Works by Palmer Cox for example are 6 shillings cloth bound and 3 and sixpence paper bound. At the time of it's issue the poster caused great consternation among the staid Victorians. The use of a large busted lady with visible cleavage shocked the society of the day as the poster was designed to sell children's books! The original poster was designed with the graphic on the left only and the right hand side plain to take the text. This is the rare 'with text' version.
Edited by G Boudet and printed by Jules Cheret's famous Imprimerie Chaix, Paris ~Les Affiches Etrangeres Illustrees presented a collection of the best posters of La Belle Époque, by foreign artists in Limited numbers (1025) at a reduced size, to the avid collectors of Paris during 1897.