Raymond Sandor Biography


The World's Fair Competition was international so that the exhibition includes the work of American, British, French, German and Austrian artists, many of them famous in their field. The competition was organized by the Chicago Art Institute which is headed by Robert B. Harshe who is also chairman of the Art Committee of the World's Fair Exhibition.

A poster Katz designed in 1934 for the Chicago World’s Fair..   Century of Progress. The 1933-34 International Exposition was an event set on Chicago’s lakefront in the heart of downtown.

The poster’s dynamic composition, rhythmical patterns, and strong complementary colors indicates the influence of modern twentieth century art in Katz's painted montage that highlighted some of the popular attractions of the World’s Fair.

Katz packed a lot into the poster for the 1934 World's Fair which was held during the Great Depression. The Fair also featured the new such as Chicago Moderne architecture inspired by Art Deco and streamline styling, and included numerous state-of-the-art technology exhibits. Chicago became a futuristic symbol of a “Rainbow City” demonstrating the effect and power of photovoltaic cells that converted natural light into electricity.