Jes William Schlaikjer Biography

Jes was born enroute to U.S. aboard the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse on 22 Sep, 1897.  
Jes William Schlaikjer attained national recognition as an artist, becoming and Academician of the National Academy of Design.
He was a profuse illustrator for national magazines. His works appeared in Woman's Home Companion, American Magazine, Collier's, Red Book Magazine, American Legion Monthly and others.   Prior to working as a War Department artist, Schlaikjer painted covers for pulp magazines such as West, Frontier Stories, Adventure, Black Mask, and Everybody's Fine. His illustrations also appeared in magazines, including Redbook, Woman's Home Companion, and Cosmopolitan.
Honors accorded him in the artistic world include: First Hallgarten Prize of the National Academy of Design, 1926, First Altman Prize of the National Academy of Design, 1928, Ranger Fund, 1928 and Second Hallgarten Prize of the National Academy Design, 1932.
He was a member of the National Academy of Design, the Grand Central Art Gallery, the Artists Guild, the American Legion, the Armor and Arms Club, the First Division Society, and the Salamagundi Club.

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