Anonymous Artists
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Des Sucs de Raisins Frais
c. 1900
12.5" x 17.25"
Chrome-Lithograph Cartone
INV. #:
Original. Cartone. Des Sucs de Raisins Frais.
Les Grands crus de France non fermentes non alcoolises. Non alcoholic fresh grape juice.
Art nouveau design with the maiden holding up a bunch of grapes and a 'champagne' style glass of juice in the other. Cherubs frolic underneath toasting glasses of various flavors that are offered.
It's a little hard to see from a photo, but this cartone is rimmed with gold. It's got a varnish on it (varnishes were used to protect paper products from bugs) so it reflects light a bit. Overall, it's in excellent condition, and it's a superb size.
This cartone advertises wines of France with the heading "The Success of French Grapes". At the bottom prices are listed by bottle type. Wines from the Touraine region of France are 1.50, from the Burgundy region they are 2.00, and for those wines that receive the title of "Grand Crû" the price is 2.50. Between these price distinctions is an incredible picture, with acute attention to detail, amongst a town reads the sign “French Establishment of the Success of French Grapes”. Coming forth from the town are vineyards, and a river, with many people collecting grapes. The road of which these grape collectors stand turns into the roof of a distillery, and from three of the giant casks of wine taps’ comes forth three waterfalls of brightly colored wine. Holding up goblets in order to drink the wine are seven little cherubs floating amongst soft clouds. On the left hand side of this piece a dark hair beauty sits, she has vines twisting in her curls, and holds a cluster of grapes in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other. Even though there is much going on in this cartone, it is pleasant and relaxing to gaze upon. The colors used are soft and complimentary and bring harmony.
Les Grands crus de France non fermentes non alcoolises. Non alcoholic fresh grape juice.
Art nouveau design with the maiden holding up a bunch of grapes and a 'champagne' style glass of juice in the other. Cherubs frolic underneath toasting glasses of various flavors that are offered.
It's a little hard to see from a photo, but this cartone is rimmed with gold. It's got a varnish on it (varnishes were used to protect paper products from bugs) so it reflects light a bit. Overall, it's in excellent condition, and it's a superb size.
This cartone advertises wines of France with the heading "The Success of French Grapes". At the bottom prices are listed by bottle type. Wines from the Touraine region of France are 1.50, from the Burgundy region they are 2.00, and for those wines that receive the title of "Grand Crû" the price is 2.50. Between these price distinctions is an incredible picture, with acute attention to detail, amongst a town reads the sign “French Establishment of the Success of French Grapes”. Coming forth from the town are vineyards, and a river, with many people collecting grapes. The road of which these grape collectors stand turns into the roof of a distillery, and from three of the giant casks of wine taps’ comes forth three waterfalls of brightly colored wine. Holding up goblets in order to drink the wine are seven little cherubs floating amongst soft clouds. On the left hand side of this piece a dark hair beauty sits, she has vines twisting in her curls, and holds a cluster of grapes in one hand, and a glass of wine in the other. Even though there is much going on in this cartone, it is pleasant and relaxing to gaze upon. The colors used are soft and complimentary and bring harmony.